Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Happy Endings

Happy Endings

Jake was a "throw-away" to the Florida Poodle Rescue...How lucky could we get!! They called us as soon as he was "fostered", and we received the gift of a lifetime...a companion with great affection, and a personality that doesn't quit! He makes us laugh till we cry! We think he now knows that he's in his forever home!

Ruth and Lou
Punta Gorda, FL

Two for One

Two for One

When two of his beloved cats died and left an ancient third alone, my adult son thought Figaro might be lonesome. He went to Petsmart where local shelters have regular adoption offerings . He saw a small, scared-looking and very homely cat in the back corner. However, he decided to wait to adopt.
TWO WEEKS later, he went back and when he bent down by the cages, a fluffy long-hair rushed up, purred, flounced around, and played with his hand--he decided to take her. Then he saw after this length of time, the homely one was STILL there. He knew after that length of time, she would never be adopted, so naturally, he took them both! The strange little dumpster kitty became Sweet Pea, and little fluffy is Susan. The tomboy and the cheerleader have brightened his life ever since. Reminds us all that just because they are not pretty, or a kitten, they can make us happy.

Karen Campbell
Fort Worth, TX



A friend's roommate had gotten an 8-week old puppy, but after 2 weeks, the novelty had worn off. But instead of finding a new home for the puppy, then named Angel, she was just going to dump her in the country (in late July in South Carolina). Luckily, another friend heard about the situation and rescued Angel and brought her to me to foster. At the time, I was strictly a cat person, but after 2 days, I fell in love and just had to keep her! I renamed her Bella and she's my best friend and the best thing that's happened to me! She's now 4 years old and makes me smile all the time!

Nicole Crowe
Westborough, MA

My life saver!

My life saver!

I didn't save my best friend from a rescue site. But the place that got him from in Delaware was shut down as a puppy mill a few years later. I had injured my back working as an electrician in 1995 and from the constant chronic back pain and depression I was kinda suicidal. That was when I decided I wanted a Siberian Husky puppy. I got Casey Jones when he was only 8 weeks old. He was infested with fleas and had all kinds of other problems the way the vet told me. Well Casey has saved my life many times since then. He gives me unconditional love and I give it right back to him. You wouldn't believe that Casey is 13 years old by the way he still jumps around like a puppy and the way he likes to play with his toys. I even wrote a song about him called "Siberian Blues" It's all about if Casey could talk to us, what he would say! He loves to play crazy dog time. That's when I go to lay down in bed and he comes right aside of the mattress and I throw all the covers up over his head and he moves his head back and forth trying to get out from under them. Even if I'm sleeping sometimes he'll come right aside of the mattress and he'll nudge me so we can play crazy dog! And to this day Casey Jones still helps me get through my pain and depression. He's had cataracts in both eyes since he was 1 year old, but that NEVER stopped him from doing anything he wanted! I couldn't be prouder. He's my Casey Jones, my pride and joy, my buddy!

Chris Balatgek
Sinking Spring, PA

Busy Lizzie

Busy Lizzie

We lost our rescued ridgeback/cross sisters at the end of last year. They reached 13 despite both having diabetes and complications which included blindness. After a few weeks the hole in our hearts wouldn't go away so we visited our local Santa Maria Valley Humane Society and there we found our Lab/cross Lizzie who was 2 1/2 and brought her home. When found abandoned she had to have surgery in her pelvic region which we have now figured wasn't due to a car accident as first thought but to a brutal beating by a male. She repays us every day by being busy keeping us safe by letting us know when strangers (and sometimes family and friends) get too close to the house. We have had her 4 months now and she is slowly mellowing out and getting to know and trust men again.

Daphne Gratner
Los Alamos, CA



This is Mitch, he has been part of our family since 1998. We had a Rottweiler ( female named Julie) and we noticed she was playing or trying to hide something. When we took a closer look she had a small kitten suckling on her teats. The kitten must have been days old ( did not even have the eyes open). Since there was a hurricane coming, we guessed that the mother cat was moving her litter and must have dropped this one. Since then Mitch ( because the hurricane that came was named Mitch) became our cat. As he grew our Rottweiler named Julie would be protecting him constantly. He would hang from her nozzle and would sleep between her paws. Julie has passed away already but Mitch is still with us. We were very fortunate to have found Mitch.

Mari Ortiz
Miami, FL

Khloe My 6 month sensation of a great pit bull

Khloe My 6 month sensation of a great pit bull

I adopted Khloe when she was 8 weeks old. She is registered with the American dog breeders association. She's a great dog and shes like my little child that I have yet to have. I also have 2 older Rottweilers which they all get along great together. I couldn't have asked for a better family of dogs they are loved and cared for every second of the day. They all get regular exercise and needless to say they love their daddy to death. I'm an animal activists at lease I try to be. I have always had a thing for animals since I was a little kid. Now I would like to get involved as much as possible to help any animals that can't help themselves. For animals that aren't cared for or are abandoned we need to be their voice and their spirit to help these innocent animals get the love and tenderness and compassion from people who really care about making any animals life better then what they have had thus far. I sincerely hope that people of all nations will take a more interested look into really helping animals in need to become great animals and to be cared for. Thank you for letting me be a small part in getting a story out there that someone might read and maybe it will motivate some to get more involved themselves to volunteer or help all pets and animals from all over the nation that need people to be their voices. Sincerely, Jeff A Masson Jr

Hometown, IL



I fostered kittens from the local shelter, and when I got Hank and his two siblings I fell in love with all three of them. I decided to adopt all three and keep them together. Hank is such a dear, he loves to give nose rubs and he's such a gentle soul. Fostering is a great way to give back and to get to know an animal before making the committment to keep it. Hank and his siblings are definitely keepers.

Cris Stahl
San Francisco, CA

Maddy's Story

Maddy's Story

Nine months ago we rescued a little 4 year old Maltipoo who had been thrown outside when she had accidents in the house. She was left inside for 12 hours or more at a time! Winter was coming on and she would never have survived the cold.

Being unsure if she and our 12 year old chihuahua, Casey would get along, we decided to find her a good and loving home. She had been abused and her right front foot was mashed at some point in time although she paid no attention to it and got along well, running and playing in the backyard with our Casey and bounding through the doggie door day and night.

To make a long story short, we fell in love with her sweet, gentle personality and "Maddy" (Madeline Sarah), her new name, is now our little girl. She and Casey are best friends and romp and play together like two little puppies. They both sleep in our bed and Maddy's favorite napping spot is in my husband's recliner with her on one side and Casey on the other. She climbs on our laps and walks up and places her head next to ours and gives us hugs and kisses. She keeps us laughing with her funny little antics and we dearly love our Maddy and Casey. What blessings they are.

Kathi C
Nashville, TN

Maggie's tail

Maggie's tail

I got Maggie thru DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) Cocker Spaniel Rescue in November 2007. When they found her she had heartworms, was pregnant and a huge gash on her back. I had to have a dog that got along with cats (I have two very senior cats) and young grandchildren. Maggie is the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever had. I cannot even imagine how she came to live in the streets or how she survived. She fits our lifestyle very well and as you can see from the picture, she gets along well with our cats--shown with Casey--now 18 yrs old. She is a very happy dog! She loves chasing squirrels and rabbits which abound in our neighborhood and loves chewing on rawhide. She is finally getting the hang of "playing" with toys. She takes them all out of her basket, strews them about the family room and pounces on them. Life without dogs would be so dull. Maggie found her "furever" home with us.

Pat Owens
Carrollton, TX