Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Recently, my mom and I were up late one night when we heard a bunch of commotion outside. We were in different rooms at the time, and she got outside before I did. She was looking on one side of the house when I told her that all the squawking came from right outside my bedroom window on the opposite side of the house. We ran inside to get flashlights and ran back out to look. What we found was a little quaker parrot who had been attacked by one of the feral cats that have made a home in our back yard (the wild quaker parrots in our neighborhood found a home in the trees in front of our house). I ran inside to get a shoe box and towel and eventually we found ourselves at two after hour vets until we found him help. The next day the bird was transfered to the best exotic animal vet around, Dr Greg Rich. We were told that if the bird wasn't able to fly again, he'd have to be put up for adoption instead of being turned loose again. Turns out the wound was so close to his lung that amputating the wing was the best option in fear of infection. Of course, my family wound up adopting him, and so far he's the sweetest little bird. We play every day and he even goes outside with me sometimes to visit with his bird family that still lives there. I's so glad we saved this little bird. He's brought so much joy and love to our family.

Kenner, LA

Bones stole my heart

Bones stole my heart

When my husband and I were moving into our new home, we caught sight of an animal going through the garbage cans in the neighborhood. It turned out to be a tuxedo colored long, furry cat. The poor little things was dirty and hungry as he came over to our house and gave us a sad eyed look. I let him in the garage at first because I didn't know if we were going to keep him. He was so skinny under all that fur and matted and dirty. Someone told me that this cat probably had feline leukemia since he wasn't cleaning himself and was so very thin. That scared me enough to bring him right away to the vet's office. I waited for the results after they took his blood knowing that they were going to give me the grim news that this cat was seriously ill. Finally, the tech came in and told the doctor that the cat was negative for feline leukemia. When I heard that, I immediately broke down in tears. Many of the staff came in to see what was wrong. I was just so happy that my Bones was going to be okay after all. It took a while for Bones to get healthy. He had a bad time and almost died with an intestinal bacteria. I promised him that if he got better that he could have whatever he wanted. Well, he did get better and it is now 11 years later and Bones has the run of the house. The dogs know not to mess with him. Bones still looks and acts like a young kitty. I just love this little boy and I am blessed that this little sick stray became a part of my family.

Marianne Lordi
Youngstown, OH



"Boulder" survived being loaded, along with extra large boulders, by gigantic loader into a large loud dump truck, hauled about 20 miles out of town, and then dumped onto the ground!!! A neighbor brought him to me to care for. I've already rescued 10, so I am looking for a good inside home for Boulder. He is very sweet, and loves to play. He has learned to eat cat food and use the litter box. And he is still only about 7 weeks old!

Sharon Sharp
Whitesville, KY



My husband and I lost Simba, our beloved cat of 11 1/2 years, in November of 2008. In January, I checked the web site of the Humane Society of Sumner County, and fell in love with a photo of a four month old gray kitten. We drove to the shelter and asked to see him. As soon as he was handed to me, he just melted against me and began purring. I was smitten! He adjusted to our home right away, and he reminds us so much of Simba. He plays with everything and he loves his perch by the patio doors. Bentley makes us laugh out loud every day!

Diane and Larry Fullam
Madison, TN

Meezer Love

Meezer Love

I went to look at cats in her shelter while visiting my mom in Bakersfield. Ariel was the sweetest one there. She wasn't much to look at, as she was very skinny and had bad ear mites, but when I took her out of the cage she held on to me and refused to let go. I slept on the idea, went back the next day, and they said that all the un-altered females had gone to be spayed, so she wasn't there. I had to go back to LA that morning, so I resigned myself to not getting the little cutie. But a staff member went in the back to check, and she was still in her cage! They had missed her when they picked up the rest of the cats to be spayed. It was clearly fate, and Ariel came home with me that day. 12 years later, and she is still the love of my life.

Carolyn Royer
Garden Grove, CA

Our FurKids Buffy and Peaches

Our FurKids Buffy and Peaches

Buffy, the orange tabby, is the first of our rescued pets. He showed up on our doorstep, so skinny you could see his ribs and hip bones. We soon made him an indoor cat by taking him to the vet and getting his shots and soon he was neutered. He has been our "baby" for over 7 years now.

Peaches was adopted from the local APL three years ago. We went there to find a female kitten to be a sister to Buffy. I was looking at all the cages and there was this one cage with three kittens in it I looked at a really cute yellow and white long haired kitten but there was this little mostly black bundle of fur sticking her paw out of the cage as if to say pick me, I picked her up and it was love at first sight.Peaches became my baby that very day. After taking her to the vet for a checkup, we were informed that she was part Maine Coon. In this picture, she is only 6 months old and already as big as Buffy.

Karen Collins
Ravenna, OH

Oliver's rescue or ours?

Oliver's rescue or ours?

3 years ago my wife and I went to the Tri lakes Humane Society looking for a cat to warm our hearts and home. Oliver was there but spoken for. He was rolling over and meowing at us the whole hour or so we were there. We left without a cat. The next day the shelter called and said Oliver was available. The rest is history and a love story. Oliver has brought joy to us and the many people who visit us.

Doug Fransen
Saranac Lake, NY

Almost too late

Almost too late

I volunteer for animal shelters & one day was picking up a dog for a friend from a shelter that wasn't a nice shelter at all. I spotted this tiny dirty kitten crying his eyes out in a cage surrounded by barking dogs, he was terrified. Someone had left him outside the shelter in the TX heat in a sealed shoe box with no food or water. He was scheduled to be euthanized the following morning and I couldn't let that happen so I immediately took him as a foster. After quite a few baths, lots of food, vet trips, medications and lots of love he turned into the sweetest kitten I've ever met. I named him Toonces & put up signs for anyone who wanted to adopt him but after 2 months I had no replies and I was too in love with him to let him go. He is now a very big kitty and almost a year old, he's still the sweetest cat and loves my other 3 shelter kitties. The vet finally recognized him as a Turkish Angora and he is stunning, he didn't deserve to be abandoned like that, he deserves the best and that is what I'm giving him every day. Toonces brings so much love and joy to everyone who meets him.

Houston, TX



I was devastated when I lost my buddy, Spike, in March. My sister, Kim, directed me to go to Lori, who is the founder of "Jacksons Legacy" Bully Breed Rescue.{} She was able to find me my new love, Chopper, who is 4 months old and full of love and life. He has found his forever home here with Carl and I on our small horse farm, and, thanks to Lori, my life is again filled with joy.

Kelly Marie
Schenectady, NY

Smiley Face

Smiley Face

Sami was going to be put down as her previous owners thought she required too much love??? She entered our lives as a 4 year old lady and right away it was clear this was meant to be. Through Pet Pro Life she was adopted. Sami would bark while towing people out of the deep end of the pool and she loved ice cream - we were bad about that. Sami went everywhere with us, even walked the strip in Las Vegas. She even adopted our little cat as her own. Sami lived to be 21 when her body rapidly began to fail. Our Smiley Face it seems was the true rescuer and won our hearts. Thanks, Sam.

Buena Park, CA