Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



This is Daisy although I should have named her shadow since she is by my side all the time. I got a job as a kennel tech at a vets office and she was there in a cage looking so sad. She had been spayed a couple of days before that. People were looking at her and I decided I had better take her before someone did adopt her. So glad I did cause she has been a fun and loving dog. At first she was not sure of my husband. Not knowing her background we did not know what had happened to her in the past. But she has grown to love him to. They play together quite often. We think she is a puggle. But it doesn't matter we still love her no matter what she is.

N Ft Myers, FL

Missing Max

Missing Max

Tomorrow is going to be bittersweet. I'm going to say goodbye to one of my sweet foster dogs, "Max".

He's found a "forever" home with a couple who's been searching for the right dog, and Max is it. And I'm happy they found Max...but I'll still miss him.

Little Max came from a rural "kill shelter," where the rescue finds and saves dogs. He arrived looking like a skeleton...a head, ribcage and fur.

He arrived adult but young. A dirty, scared, over-sized puppy. A dog with no history.

When he looked up at me through his crate with sad, dark eyes, I knew I had another foster to love for awhile. So, when the Vet said he wasn't eating well, I offered to bring him home to fatten him up.

Max thrived over the next few months. He ate and ate, and gradually came out of his shell. At first, he didn't know what grass was. Was he a puppy mill dog? Or just crated his entire life?

At night, he slept in his own little bed next to mine...but many mornings, I'd lift the covers and there was Max. He'd crawl out and give me a kiss to say, "Ha ha, Mom! Surprise!" I'm really going to miss him.

But tomorrow, Max is going home...his real home. I've been his transition home, as I was supposed to be. To love and release.

The more we can place, the more we can rescue. There are so many more little Max's...sad dark eyes, sometimes bones and fur, sometimes obese and hardly being able to walk. But the eyes are always the same.

I love Max, but tomorrow he will go to hearts that will love him more than I. And he won't leave next time.

And I will love another, again.

Carpentersville, IL

Amber Rose

Amber Rose

My husband and I were walking down our street one night and heard this tiny sound coming out from the bushes. We stopped to investigate and out came this little orange and white kitten. She followed us home and (along with our other three found kitties) has been the light of our lives. That was almost eleven years ago and she still has the most high pitched little mew you've ever heard! We love them all so much.

Valley Glen, CA



Meet Basil. I had looked at countless rescued cats wanting to take them all home, but I could never decide on one. And then there she was: big, beautiful green eyes staring back at me from behind the metal cage. It was like she was waiting for me all this time.

I took her out of her cage, held her up so we were face to face, and then she let out a huge sneeze! After all my searching, I knew she was the one. I dried my face and adopted Basil right on the spot.

That was three years ago, and I can honestly say that I am not sure who rescued whom that day. Thinking back to that day, I now know it was a classic case of love at first sneeze.

Fort Worth, TX

A Tale of Two Sisters

A Tale of Two Sisters

I was an empty-nester; life was darned lonely. I wanted to adopt a dog for companionship after my 10-hour work days; however, outdoor pets weren't permitted where I lived. Although I'd never spent any time with cats, I began to search for the perfect cat buddy. A coworker found some tiny kittens in a gutter near her home and took them in. I later rushed to see them; there were only two, and she wanted to keep one. I picked up the pocket-sized gray tabby with a drop of milk on her nose and immediately fell in love. Before I left with her, I'd named her SweetPea, who IS absolutely the sweetest cat. Several months later, with some cat-raising experience behind me, I looked for a playmate. I learned of an orange tabby kitten living in the tree of an abandoned house. Two hours of coaxing followed; then Taylor came to me. I took the playful 10-week old home to meet Sweet Pea, who was aloof. Within hours though, she accepted her new playmate and a family was made. SweetPea is my "thinking" cat; she acts in response to 50 distinct commands, and has climbed onto my tummy every bedtime for 12 years to give forehead kisses while "hugging" both sides of my neck with her paws. Taylor, now 11, is my "emotional" cat, coming from any room to snuggle me at the first hint of sadness. When I come home, she lays on her back, legs splayed, in the most unusual welcome I've ever seen. I am hopelessly in love and seriously bonded to my girls. They influence my life decisions. I hope to outlive them; I cannot imagine anyone loving them as I do. More important is that "Peenie" and "TayTay" live long, healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives.

Ar Foster
Fort Collins, CO

Third Time is the Charm

Third Time is the Charm

We live on a farm with 6 miniature horses, 1 quarter horse, 5 dogs and 3 cats. After we got over the loss of our 14 year old, Australian Shepherd, Laredo, we knew we wanted another rescue dog to help us around the farm.

Our dream dog has always been a Great Pyrenees. We found "Doc" at the Watauga Animal Service Center via We learned from the Animal Services Supervisor that "Doc" had been adopted on 2 previous occasions and had been returned to the shelter.

We were a bit skeptical, but, could not resist his picture on Petfinder. I went to visit Doc at the shelter. With those kind eyes I thought he was definitely worth a try. We carefully introduced him to our dogs and then to our herd of horses. He adapted quickly to our busy life and all the animals in it.

As evidenced by the picture Doc was a perfect fit for our family. He loves life on the farm especially the back rubs from his miniature buddy, Bandit.

The third time was truly the charm for Doc. Thanks to Petfinder and the staff at the Watauga Animal Shelter who gave Doc the chance he deserved for a home.

Patti Smith
Argyle, TX

Rudy the goofy

Rudy the goofy

I brought home Rudy about 2 years ago. He had been abandoned and was being attacked by a pack of dogs that runs in our neighborhood, so I ran my car at them blaring my horn and scared them away. I jumped out and lifted him into my car and brought him home with me. He was skinny and covered in ticks, but we took him to the vet, got him stitched up and neutered and he has been with us ever since. He puts up with the kids as if he was born with them. He is just as silly as the day is long. He is so loving I don't know what we would do without him. He keeps us laughing and on our toes and we hope he continues to for a lot of years to come.

Sand Springs, OK

Sweet Bella Rose

Sweet Bella Rose

In October, 2008, I adopted an abused and neglected female German Shepherd from our local shelter in Memphis, Tennessee. In the span of 8 months, we have come a long way together. She has overcome numerous physical and emotioinal problems and today is enjoying a happy and peaceful life with people and other animals who love her.

The bond between us is very strong. I would encourage anyone to adopt an animal who has been mistreated. They understand what you are trying to do for them and they repay you a hundred fold with their love and devotion.

There was a time that this beautiful angel wasn't loved and appreciated but those days are over. I love her with all my heart. She is a soulmate and the love of my life.

Diane McManus
Cordova, TN

Playing ET

Playing ET

We had already searched the house once for Charlie. We finally found him on the second search hiding amongst the stuffed animals on our son's bed. I had fostered many sick cats for our local SPCA, but Charlie was one foster that we could not let go. He has been the most cuddly, loving cat that I have ever had the pleasure of living with. He and Max, our retired, racing greyhound are the best of buddies.

Marla Spencer
Raleigh, NC

Our "Rescues"

Our "Rescues"

Our first rescue was a boxer that was found roaming the streets after a surgical procedure with stitches and a dirty wound seven years ago. My mom had been saying how much she loved the boxer she had as a child, and would like to have one but didn't relish the idea of going through the "puppy stage" again. A friend called me told me about "Duke" the 2 year old boxer they had in shelter care. His owner never come forward. My daughter was just 2, but when we went down to visit him and took him out to the play yard at the shelter, Duke just seemed to know that he had to be gentle with her. I adopted him on the spot and my mother flew out about a month later to meet and bond with him. They hit it off immediately, and just as he had done with my daughter, Duke just knew he had to be gentle with my mother. They took a few obedience/bonding lessons from a trainer before she took him home. That was seven years ago and Duke is still going strong and is my mother's constant (and spoiled) companion. My daughter,now 10, recently adopted Jasper, a Husky/Shepherd/Beagle mix. He was just a puppy a few months ago when we brought him home, but, as you can see, he fits right in around here. It is amazing how rescued animals just seem to know that they have been given a 2nd chance and it's wonderful to see the security they begin to have when they know they are in their forever home. We love our "rescues" as people call them, but these guys are family to us. I can't imagine my home or my heart without them. Please, click everyday!

Meg Sanchez
Redding, CA