Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



We found our beagle mix, Frances, on when our oldest daughter was in kindergarten. The running joke in the family is that shes beagle mixed with a potato. She absolutely changed our lives with her quirky, wonderful personality! After baby #2, we wanted to add another dog to our family and found Maisy at a local shelter. She was brought in to the shelter by a policeman who found her wandering the countryside with a severe injury that ran from the top of her shoulder all the way to her front leg on the other side. My husband picked her because he was afraid no one else would want her because of the extent of her wound. She passed the baby test and came home with us. I have never seen a more loving, loyal, and downright joyful dog! Frances and Maisy are such different personalities, two completely different dogs in all aspects, but yet they are inseparable. Even now with a third child, I can't imagine life without our two furry kids in it. They complete our family, and I am thrilled that my kids will grow up with the experience of loving and being loved by these wonderful pets.

Tara S.
Fairview, TN

Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow

My family wanted to adopt a dog from Save-A-Pet and so off we went to look at all the dogs. We walked up and down the kennels and then came out to the front and put down the names of dogs we wanted to meet. My daughter insisted that we write down Jacks name. My husband said no because Jack only has three legs. My daughter looked him straight in the face and asked him if he would love her any less if she only had one leg! Well, guess what! Jack got put on the list and the moment we saw his beautiful brown eyes he was in our hearts and in the car coming home. You would never know he is missing his right hind leg because he can do everything every other dog can do. He is the happiest dog in the world. Our life is so much better with Jack in it.

Mindy Bowes
Arlington Heights, IL

Ms Darcy:  Engagement Cat

Ms Darcy: Engagement Cat

When my husband and I became engaged, I told him that I wanted an "Engagement Cat" instead of a ring. What would better symbolize our commitment than commiting to another family member? I saw Ms Darcy at a shelter event, and knew instantly that she was the cat for me.

Her paperwork said she was spayed, but there must have been a mix-up: 3 weeks after we got her, she gave us 6 beautiful kittens, two of whom joined our family permanently.

It's hard to tell because of her fur, but Darcy's throat and sides were shaved when this picture was taken. She had just come back from the vet after a bout of Chylothorax -- a rare disorder that primarily affects Siamese, Persians and Himalayans. So far, my beautiful girl has cost us more than $4,000 in veterinary bills.

Yes, a diamond engagement ring might have been less expensive, but to us, she's worth every cent!

Kay Scott-Seale
Bedford, TX



I found this guy on As soon as I clicked on his story, I knew I had to have him! It has been nearly 2 years now and it was the best decision I ever made. He is awesome! He loves to ride in the car, eat watermelon, and cuddle up beside you. He has lost his hair on his back and other places, but he doesn't care! Everywhere we go people constantly stop us and ask about him and love on him. Leo is the best!

Greenville, SC

Felix the Dog

Felix the Dog

My husband Gary receives information often from the Grand Prairie (TX) Animal Shelter about new animals available. As soon as he was informed about "Felix", a 12-year-old intact male chihuahua, he called me and said that he would like to bring him home. With open, infected gums, one tooth (thus tongue hangs out), half an ear missing, major arthritis pain, and evidence of his jaws previously broken in 4 places, he was the cutest boy ever. We had his gums fixed and got medication for his gimpiness. Even so, we were not sure he would make it 6 months; 4 years later he is the light of our lives. He has a brother and two sisters (chihuahua or mixes) who watch out for him. He may out live us all !

Kay Nelson
Forney, TX

Syrup and Waffles

Syrup and Waffles

As I enter the yard, i hear the banging of the front half door and two heads peeping out, my dearest dogs, black beauty SYRUP and her half brother WAFFLES. Now, they have learnt from my children to run to the car when i arrive home after work to see what treats mommy has bought for them. Often, I bring home some bones which i had from lunch or a little treat or two. But, being welcomed home with such love and display, is priceless. So, my daughters started complaining that i give more attention to the dogs than to them when i jump off the car. So i told them to shake their bums and give a wag or two, then i would not know the difference when i arrive. And now everyday, i have four dogs/daughters shaking their bums welcoming me home.

In our culture, we pray to our idols and we light the lamp and incense sticks and place a big banana leaf with fruit on it and offer the gods milk as well. We all sit by the prayer place on a carpet and hear the music especially played for our prayer times. Now Syrup loves our praying time and although both the dogs sit with us, Syrup takes it very seriously. She sits with her two hands in front of her and head bowed down and prays with us. Once the prayer is over, we all get up and start doing our normal routine things but Syrup does not move from the prayer place. We have found that many times. So what we do is go to her and start playing with her. We put on jewellery and a sarie over her. She absolutely loves the attention.

Having Dogs makes life priceless!!!

Asmi Pather
Gauteng, South Africa

Abandoned at Walmart

Abandoned at Walmart

Cindy was found in a box at a local Walmart. A kind soul took her to the Feline Foundation in Fresno (they are now the Valley Animal Center). The plan was to spay and put her up for adoption. At a little over six pounds, she was a tiny girl. When shelter staff showed up the next morning, Cindy had given birth to two kittens. Cindy's kittens were adopted while she remained at the shelter looking for a family. With three full grown cats, my husband and I didn't think we had room to take Cindy home. We watched over her for the next two years and rejoiced when she was adopted. Our hearts sank when a few months later Cindy was returned to the shelter. When I squatted down to pet her, I placed my purse on the ground. Cindy promptly jumped into my purse and curled up. It was at that moment that we realized Cindy was destined for our home. Upon arrival at our house, Cindy's name was changed to Willow. Willow suffers from stomatitis - a gum disease. Every three months, we hop in the car and take her to the vet so that we can begin antibiotic treatment. The antibiotics seem to keep the disease under check. The only real "cure" is to remove her teeth. We are hoping that by staying on top of things we won't have to remove any of her teeth. In the mean time, she has gained weight and is a spitfire!

Jennifer Taylor
Fresno, CA



I found Tuffy frozen in my back yard after his momma abandoned him. He was only a day old. I took him in and thawed him out with my hairdryer and for the last five years he has been king of the family.

Okahoma City, OK

Bammy & Meesha

Bammy & Meesha

I went to a local sanctuary, Sacred Vision, to get a new cat for my home. Meesha was just what I wanted, a calico like my previous friend. She was in a cage with Bammy and the lady asked if I would consider two cats as they had been together since they arrived at the shelter. How could I split them up, so when I left, I had double the joy and fun that I had previously expected. They are a constant source of companionship, entertainment, joy and as you can see are both very happy together.

Murrells inlet, SC

Wonderful Weezy

Wonderful Weezy

After diligently searching all of the online rescue sites in Montana, we came upon this sweet girl, a Plott Hound mix. Weezy had been at a no-kill shelter for a year and a half! Her shelter family worked with her so much and taught her nice manners. We can't believe our luck in getting such a wonderful dog, and she has quickly settled into our routine and home life. She gets a little sweeter each day!

Lani J. Witt
Great Falls, MT