Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our little girl Gypsy

Our little girl Gypsy

I was doing a search on petfinder and came across a pitbull rescue organization near me.I contacted them and she suggested we look at "Gypsy" and boy are we glad we did! She is the sweetest,happiest,most loving little girl.Gypsy had a really bad life before she was rescued but we hope to make the rest of her days the happiest.We love you lil girl!!!

Crystal Overland
Albany, LA

King Charles Cavaliers rescued from breeding kennels

King Charles Cavaliers rescued from breeding kennels

We rescued Digby (blenheim) at age 6 and a half years of age. He was deaf and was shooting blanks. As a showdog and sire he became of no use to the kennels. He is now 13 and very happy.

Zoe (tricolour) was about 2 years and had lost two litters (all died) she would have died had she gone thru another litter. We thought she could be Digby's ears. She is overweight (hormonal and no idea of how to play) but happy and now 8. They both get on so well together.
Apparently, they euthanase dogs they cannot breed from unless they are found new homes. Digby was a showdog in Queensland and was sent to Perth WA for more breeding and very much loved throughout his doggy career. His new kennel breeder wanted a good home found for him and we had to have an interview before we were chosen to be his new owner. In fact Digby chose us as out of 30 puppies and dogs he was the one to come and sit amongst us on our interview day! A nearby breeder offered us Zoe as she had learnt about our adoption of Digby. Zoe and her owner did not get on and I think Zoe was abit naughty because of that. She is very independent and doesn't like too much fuss made of her, unlike Digby who is a real suk!

Carole Seth
Perth, Australia

a survivor's tale

a survivor's tale

A science teacher who works with my sister found Moshe when she was walking to work one morning. Tiny, just four weeks old & very scared, he was sitting in the middle of a busy roundabout; we assume he had been dumped there. My sister knew we were looking for another cat, so she brought him home to us. It was love at first sight for Moshe & my husband, and our naughty little cat has dominated our house ever since. We named him Moshe - after Moshe Dyan - because we figured he was a survivor & we wanted him to always be strong & tough like his namesake.

Miriam Bell
Auckland, New Zealand

FORD DOG Found On Road Dog

FORD DOG Found On Road Dog

My husband and I were helping our daughter after her apartment flooded and were driving home on a 4 lane road that goes over the freeway. My husband spotted this 4 week old puppy running down the white line in the driving rain. We had just lost Xena our mate for Dodger (both rescued dogs). I had said no more dogs. My husband came up to me as I was filling up with gas and shows me this dirty little dog. I asked him what are we going to do with that? I knew immediately that he was an American Pit Bull Terrier. We put him in the truck and never looked back. Needless to say, he is the love of our life and we have both stated that we have never known a dog more loving, devoted and gentle in all of the dogs we have had. It brings tears to our eyes when we talk of what could have been. We have since adopted another female Bull. That story to come.

Carolin Nicholson
N Richland Hills, TX

A Heart for Strays

A Heart for Strays

Ocie (short for Outside Cat) is the second stray that I took in. Although I promised my husband that I would take him to a no-kill shelter after I socialized him, I fell in love with the little rascal! That was five years ago; Ocie still loves to be outdoors, even in rain, snow and bitter cold, but always comes running when I call. He has learned to wait on the throw rug inside the front door so that I can wipe his paws before he's allowed to roam the house.

Kate Hallock
Bradfordwoods, PA

Nevada SPCA Rescue

Nevada SPCA Rescue

I just came across this site and love it! I rescued a 4.5 yr old papered Boxer from the Nevada SPCA in Las Vegas a little over 2 months ago. He was under weight and stressed out! He is now happy and healthy and the best gift ever to myself!
I had been wanting a boxer puppy, and couldnt afford to purchase one. I came across "Apollo", now named Duke on the NV SPCA website. I asked my boss if I could take an extended lunch, there was a dog I wanted to adopt. He allowed me to do that. I have been blessed with a wonderful pet, who is sooo smart, well mannered, and gorgeous. He sleeps with me every night, if I ask him to. He loves kids, all people and all other animals. We are frequenters of the dog parks and Petsmart. I have found another boxer, which is a female I am wanting to adopt as well. I really want Duke to have a playmate. It breaks my heart someone let Duke go. How could they? In the same breath, I am glad they did, I have an amazing dog! Kudos to all who rescue!!!! This site is a great place to continue to contribute to the ones in need!!
Please pray for Duke and I, that we recieve "Dulce" into our lives, shall that be GOD's will :o)
Thank you!
Jenny and Duke

Las Vegas, NV

Smokey the Bear

Smokey the Bear

Smokey has been the brightest part of my life for 10 years now. He has grown from the palm of my hand to a 20lb giant. I rescued him from a run down animal shelter when I was 18 and am so grateful for him everyday. He's had his fair share of medical problems but with the sweet comes the sour. When I introduced Smokey to my husband 5 years ago, it was as if my husband was the owner all along. My husband adores Smokey and vice versa. Anybody who says cats don't have personality - I would like them to meet my Smokey!

Temecula, CA

My Easter Bunny

My Easter Bunny

I found her on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999, when I picked up my sister-in-law's elderly mother at her house in Brockton, MA, to take her to Easter dinner. She was a half-grown grey tiger who had been hanging around Mary's house for about a week. We talked about how many people abandoned cats in that neighborhood and continued on to dinner. We are a family of cat-lovers so we discussed what to do about her during the meal, as Mary was not well enough to be able to take her in.

When Mary and I drove up, there she was again. She tried to follow Mary into the house; when I scooped her up she started purring. Of course, she ended up eating leftover Easter ham, then perched on my shoulder as I drove her to my vet in Weymouth who was open that night. $150 later she had a checkup, shots, and tested negative on an FELV/FIV combo test and I convinced my sister-in-law to keep her for a week while I prepared my single cat apartment to add a second cat.

Ten years and a few chewed-through telephone cords later, she is still purring and a bonded pair with Percy, my third cat, whose cage I just couldn't walk away from at the MSPCA. Her name--Bunny, of course. And, would you believe-- she loves lettuce!

Gail Dentch
Brockton, MA

Marni rescued me from being dogless!

Marni rescued me from being dogless!

Dumped off on a back road Marni was found by a local member of the Weimeraner Rescue! Amazing as it sounds our friend was making rounds on her night job and said it looked like Marni was sitting there waiting for a bus! I'm glad they met up with each other because a week earlier my daughter had moved out with her 7 dogs (all rescue dogs) 2 cats, 2 ferrets and 2 Ball Pythons. Marni helps round out my life again I'm so glad she rescued me!

Suzy Bruce
Richmond, VA

A Pooch from Heaven

A Pooch from Heaven

We were searching rescue sites online to adopt a dog when I saw Dylan. He was at a rescue facility, coincidentally named "Pooch Heaven". The minute I saw him I told my wife "that is the dog I have wanted all my life". We filed an application, and were fortunate enough to be selected to meet Dylan. He had been badly abused and would only cower in one corner when he first came home. Now he is a normal happy dog, who loves his walks and his family. We thought we were rescuing him, but he rescued us, with nothing but pure love in his heart. He saw us through some difficult times, including the passing of my father. He always made my father smile. Dylan would sit on his lap, and I am sure he knew he was providing my father comfort. I feel a deep connection with Dylan, I think he is an Angel we needed and can't imagine my life without my best friend.

Bakersfield, CA