40 days

This 20lb wonderdog, started life with a horder, when she relenquished custody of more than 150 animals my Tanner was among them. Rescue organizations from several states stepped in to help. Our small group in NE Wyoming took 13 of these dogs. I wanted to help make one of the less desirable dogs more adoptable, so in the early days of December 2006 I picked Tanner, who wouldn't eat or even come in to his run to get warm. He was doing wonderfully until a few days later he slipped out of my fenced yard and was gone. I searched for weeks and at Christmas time had just about given up hope. I recieved an email forwarded from a friend of a friend, she described Tanner right down to his collar and tag. He was on I-90 on Christmas day and all attempts to befreind him were rejected. I started using I-90 to go into town and look for him at every opportunity. I used a live trap after I pin pointed his location and a few days later I had him.
As it turns out it was excatly 40 days from the day he left, I took it as a sign that Tanner was my new dog. That was two years ago and Tanner goes everywhere with me, never on a leash,

Gillette, WY