A cat named Grigio

In June 2007 after a long battle with illness, I had to put my sweet little Persian ZoomZoom to sleep to end her suffering. She was my best girlfriend and my little diva. I rescued her from an owner that was going to put her to sleep because his girlfriend had a cat. I knew her time with me wouldn't be long, but I know she had a wonderful four years, she was very spoiled.I began looking for another kitty to adopt when my fiance Guido from Italy arrived the end of that July for his one month vacation.Guido is a cat lover like me and has rescued many cats in his little town of Anzio.
My daughter and I went to the store one day while Guido recovered from his jet lag. As we got out of the car, some neighbor girls came around the corner followed by a grey kitten. The girls said he was looking for his sister, but I saw a starving, dehydrated flea ridden kitten looking for food and water. After some negotiations with the girls and the parents who said the cat was sort of cared for, I took Grigio to his new safe home our apartment. Guido chopped up half a roasted chicken while I fed him water and applied Advantage.He also had coccidia so he wasn't too peppy until that was cleared up. Il pazzo Grigio, in Italian means the crazy grey.Grigio is so smart, he slept in trees at night before I found him, to stay safe from the coyotes.He has figured out that my daughter is deaf so he paws at her hand when he wants to sit in her lap and be petted.He's my best buddy and I love him to pieces!

Vista, CA