A Cinderella Story (the Dog Version)

This is a typical "rags to riches story" and it brings tears to my eyes everytime I tell it.
This is Lucy. I found her through an organization called "Asians for Humans." Lucy was born in Taiwan and got flown to San Francisco and went through a 6 month quarantine- all thanks to a wonderful woman named Vickie. (who does this "out of pocket" and through donations) When I adopted Lucy she weighed 21 pounds! (a healthy weight for her breed is about 45 pounds) she was badly beaten and she had scars when she was burned and badly tortured and neglected. When I first brought her home she was like a shaky leaf, so scared, so desperately in need of love. It took her over a year to heal from the visible scars and I know she still has some "issues"- BUT! She is the most loyal, loving and "miss personality" dog I've ever had the privilage of owning. She loves cookies, running along the beach and resting her head on my lap. She's the best cuddler and she has eyes that make my heart melt.
I will always and forever advocate rescuing dogs from shelters and organizations, such as this site.
Rescue dogs may be more hard work at first, but they return the "favor" with many priceless gifts- one being: unconditional love.

Corte Madera, CA