A "Happy" Rescue

Happy came into our lives at about 5 months old. He weighed 7 lbs. He had been abused, neglected, and his leg had been broken (the vet said it was the worst break he had ever seen, right at the growth plate). We were told he might lose the leg.
Happy never knew he had a problem or that he was different from our other dog, Gypsi. He played with her like any puppy would. The giant cast never stopped him for a second. We took him to the orthopedic surgeon and prayed for a miracle. After about a month they took the cast off and his leg had healed. Not perfectly, its slightly crooked but he's not in any pain. When he's standing still it looks like he's in the third position ballet pose.
Happy came to us with that name and we decided not to change it.
It seemed like a good omen, and as it turned out it was. He is the happiest. most grateful little dog you could ever meet. We are so blessed to have him.

Ocean Gate, NJ