Adult Cat Rescue

My Family decided it was time for a new member by accident. We had seen a cat we fell in love with in a store ran by the humane association in our local mall. When we came back to get him he was pending adopted so we waited to see if it went through and the next morning he was adopted. So, we decided to take a trip to another humane association and we found Mr. Pinky laying very still in his cage and looking so sad. He is 5 years old and declawed. We already had a female named Phoebe who was abandoned in a garage when she was 2 weeks old. She is also 5 years old and declawed so we new Mr. Pinky would be a great fit for our family. We took him to the getting acquainted room and he took to us right away. We brought him home that same day and it was like he knew this was home. I told my husband that there was a reason we didn't get to adopt the other cat and now we know why. Mr. Pinky has been the best addition to our family since the arrival of our son.

Franklin, OH