Apache & Gremlin

I adopted Apache (left) when he was 9 months old from death row just a day before he was due to be euthanised. Gremlin (right) came a year later. Apache's name came from his surprise "attacks" and blood-curdling yowls, but his true personality was clownish and goofy and for 17 more years he gave me laughter & love before passing recently due to kidney failure. Gremlin fought diabetes for 7 years before passing in 2007 at age 17. He had a solemn personality but was unbelievably sweet-natured and affectionate. He and Apache came from two different shelters a year apart, but they took to one another like long-lost littermates and got along from the start. I miss them -- and hope to be adopted again soon!

Denise Cardos
Minneapolis, MN