
Hi there. I'm the mom of Baby, our furkid who is paralyzed in his hind legs. This happened in July 2003, as a result of several slipped discs in his lower back. The vet didn't think that Baby would walk again but we couldn't think of letting him go. And now, after 6 years, he's still going strong and seems to be very happy.
We did research on the Internet, and with the help of support groups and the encouragement of our vet, learned how to care for a handicapped dog. We ordered for him a specially made-to-order "wheelchair", actually a cart that allows him to walk normally by raising up his hind legs and the use of wheels in the rear. He doesn't use the cart all day, only when we take him out for his daily walks. In the house or yard, he scoots around in a sitting position, so fast you'd swear he was sitting on a skateboard!

We've had him for 10 years now. When he was a frisky puppy, my son rescued him from the streets in the rainy winter, where he was living in a building next door to us that was being constructed.

Now Baby belongs to the whole family who pitch in to care for him by expressing his bladder, cleaning up his messes, walking, feeding and loving him. As far as we're concerned, he's perfect!

Gila Katz
Maalot, Israel