Beautiful Indeed

During the first year after my beloved 14-year-old German Shepherd died I thought about someday adopting another, but the sadness of knowing that it wouldn't be her kept me from taking any steps toward finding another. One day I happened by accident to see an ad in the newspaper under Lost and Found, needing a home for a "Beautiful German Shepherd".

I didn't know that the ad was from our local humane society, brief and understated as it was. I kept the ad for several days and thought about calling, but hesitated, unsure if I could bear to move ahead without my darling girl. After a week or so, I telephoned, and after a substantial interview, which I now know was to screen out callers with motives, I was invited to meet the dog.

He came home with me that afternoon. He barely fit into my car, he was so huge, and was quite utterly wild and untrained. I learned that I am his fourth owner; none of the previous three had time for him, and at least one abused him badly.

Such a pair the two of us are, together for six years now, and inseparable. At 91 pounds, my sweet boy is now the gentlest, most obedient, most cheerful and loving companion you could ever imagine. How lucky I was to see that newspaper ad, and how near I came to missing out on the great happiness of life together with him.

Pocatello, ID