Black Kitty Adopts Family

Let me just say...."I'm not a cat person!" Not because I don't like cats, but because I am so allergic to cats. Well, this little black stray did not know that. I ignored him for weeks hoping he would move on....he didn't. One night I was taking my doggies out to potty and it had been raining buckets. I heard him crying pitifully under my car. I coaxed "it" out and was appalled to see that he was literally, skin and bones! I only had dog food to give him, which he thankfully ate. The next day I bought him dry cat food. After a week of living in my garage, he bolted into the house one morning. I was forced to pick him up to learn he was declawed and defenseless outside. He had a bad bite on his tail. How could someone have abandoned a defenseless kitty outside, with no claws to defend himself; no way to climb a tree to escape predators; no way to hunt for food!
Went to the vet. I learned kitty was a neutered male. No microchip located. I told the vet how allergic I was to kitty's. The vet advised if he were bathed every other week, I would have no allergy problem. The next day was grooming day for my doggies, so I talked the groomer into attempting a bath for kitty. He totally accepted it, as if he knew this was his ticket to living with me. So now, I guess I am a cat person. Unnamed black kitty is settling in well with my doggies and we have really had no issues.
I can't do much to help these economic times; but I can help a black kitty who knew he was at the right place before I did.

Barbara Keithly
Tampa, FL