Calvin: My Gemini Tabby

For two years, Calvin was living in a filthy crack house. He was locked in the closet whenever he became a 'pest' and wanted attention at the wrong time. Sadly, water, food and love were luxuries that he seldom received.
When his owner went to jail for a month, I was given temporary custody by a co-worker who was unable to care for him. When he arrived at my door, he darted under my couch for 3 days and hid. When he finally emerged, he was so emaciated that I could see the outlines of his ribs and tailbone. I called out to him, and to my amazement, he swaggered right into my arms. After a month of care, I eagerly took full custody with little objection from his neglectful owner.
Two years later, here he lays (and purrs): healthy, strong, affectionate and, most importantly, wanted and loved. His favorite game is chasing the red laser from my keychain. As soon as I take it out, his eyes grow to the size of saucers as he chases the little red dot, showing no mercy! He knows he can't catch it because it's just a beam of light, but loves to chase it nonetheless.
He's a real "people" cat too. He LOVES shoes - my shoes, your shoes, anyone's shoes - and oddly enough, goes crazy over the smell of sweaty socks and sneakers. It's like catnip to him. And if I come home without petting him or dare to work on the computer too long, he shakes the vertical blinds in protest to let me know he's there. Calvin has enriched my life more than I thought anyone or anything could ever do, and for that I'll always be grateful.

Matthew Reynolds
Valley Village, CA