
This was our Cassy she was a Siberian Husky with the prettiest blue eyes you ever saw. We adopted her from a wonderful lady in Port Huron, Michigan who had rescued her from someone and was looking for a good family to adopt her. We went through interviews and even had her come to our home so she would know Cassy was going to a family that would love her and care for her. That was in the Spring of 2001. Cassy was 7 years old when we adopted her. And it was the best thing we ever did. Cassy girl was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. She had a personality all her own. She loved every one. Whether it was kids or adults didn't matter. She was never big on cats though. She loved the winter, she would lay by her dog house and let inches of snow fall on her, she loved to dig her nose into snowpiles and she would jump up at snowballs we would throw and catch them and eat them.! She loved going for walks except she took you for the walk/run! Haha! I can not say enough good things about the 8 years we had Cassy! She shall always have a special spot in our hearts!
Our Cassy girl passed away Friday during the night of natural causes, she was 15 years old. Even though you would of never guessed it.. she always jumped around and smiled and was happy to see everybody! We will always love you Cassy girl and we really miss you very very much! My heart breaks every time I look out to your dog house in the side yard. R.I.P. 4-11-94 to 6-27-09 . We love you baby girl!

Bev Kanthak
Lexington, MI