Dazy Rescue

It was almost spring in 2008. I was the den leader for my son's Cub Scouts. We were at the elementary school cafeteria having our meeting when my son noticed food dishes next to a portable storage building and seen a puppy. We all went out to see and there were two puppies apparently living under this building where they had been thrown out. My son helped me and within about and hour, we caught both of the puppies, one male and one female. We took them home and over the next two days, the little male died from Parvo. The little girl didn't get it and so we were fostering her for the Humane Society. We did find out that she has Demadex mange and are currently treating her. As she grew older, she became extremely smart and learned MANY tricks and we decided to keep her. Because she was so smart, I felt that she could help others. She is now a member of our local sheriff's search and rescue team. She is giving back to the ones who gave her a second chance...people!

Texarkana, TX