Earthquake kitty

A few weeks ago we had an earthquake.. a few hours later I heard tiny meows coming from outside. After a while, I went out to find the kitten but it was in the neighbors yard and it was dark and late so I told myself if it was still meowing in the morning, I would rescue it. I figured its mother moved the litter after the earthquake but forgot her and maybe she would come back. She was still meowing early in the morning, so I grabbed the little thing who was no bigger than my hand and took her to work with me and bottle fed her all day.. she quickly got the hang of eating and began to show her amazingly rambunctious personality. I fostered Tremor (her temporary name:-) for 2 weeks until she was socialized (everyone at my work fell in love with her of course) and potty trained and I had total blast, she made me laugh every day just watching her jump around and sleep.

Since I already have 2 cats, I decided to find her a home. There is a couple in my apartment complex who recently lost their elderly cat who I just knew would be ready for a new family member and I was right! They took her on a week ago and are complete doting parents just like I knew they would be... the best part about it is I can visit whenever I want because I certainly miss her!

toddy walters
los angeles, CA