Eliza Doolittle

Meet Eliza Doolittle. After my last cat passed about nine years ago I went to adopt a cat from Friends For Life. I had always had Siamese so asked for a blue eyed cat. The ladies doing the adoptions didn't think the adult Siamese they had would get along with Marlee, my first service dog who passed two years ago due to melanoma so they suggested this tiny ball of white and orange, blue eyed kitty. They called her a flame point mix. I brought her home and we all became immediate friends. She thought Marlee was her mommy and she moved right in.

Today Eliza is still very shy. She still prefers to spend at least the first part of the night cuddled up with me even during our hot Arizona summers. Her favorite toy is chasing the laser pointer. Now that Marlee is gone Eliza doesn't have to compete for her turn since the new dog or cat hasn't learned how much fun it is. She also still prefers the dog bed to one of her own and this dog as Marlee did respects it and won't get in unless I ok it.

Her name is because she was found all by herself as a less than 6 week old kitten. Just like Shaw's Eliza she was a street kitty.

Mary Pat Mills
Mesa, AZ