Five Abandoned Puppies

Two of my friends and I were traveling down to visit with one friend's mother. On the trip down she was telling us about this kill shelter by her moms house and that it had a like a "mail box" door that you could leave your unwanted dogs in and how dirty this shelter was. I said I have to see this for my self so we stopped out the shelter was closed for the weekend but we got out and looked around. on the side of the building is a gated area. I looked in and to my amazement someone had left 5 little black puppies whose little eyes were still blue from opening and had no teeth yet! I could not leave them for certain death so we took all five with us, I bottle fed them and got them healthy again and I have re-homed all but one who has always been the one that stayed close to me, so I'm having a hard time re-homing her and I'm working on the husband to keep her. I don't know how a person could just leave defenseless babies like that, but these puppies will have a long and happy life now in their new homes.

Mechanicsburg, OH