Foster Failure

I have had rescue dogs all my life. When my husband and I got together, I had four dogs and one cat. Thomas the cat has since passed away, and so have two of my dogs, Ginger and Mollly. My pack was down to two and I was feeling a little lost because my pack was so small. My husband was ok with the pack getting smaller, but I was not ok with that. I went to my Vet, who runs Hard Luck Hounds to see if she had any "babies" that needed help because I thought that I could foster instead of adopting. This little girl in the picture who's name is Twiggy needed socializing really badly. Ms. Twiggs, as she is now known, would howl like a banshee at the slightest touch. I have had her three weeks and now she lays on the couch with her belly up for rubs. I fear that someone would not be sensitive to her fear of hands. Even with me, she shys away from hands if she feels threatened. The problem is that now I can not let her go. That is why I am a foster failure. Good thing for Ms. Twiggs. I though that by being a foster I could help lots of dogs and get to have many breeds in my pack temporarily. I was wrong. I love Ms. Twiggs to much to ever let her go. I am sure she will not be the last one. I have always had a pack and I always will.

Belton, MO