Four Once-Doomed Cats

Our four cats, in order of appearance: Mark, Raymond, Shelly, and Widget. They are all rescued cats. After our cat, Andre, (also a rescue cat) died, we had a huge hole in our lives. In the local shelter we found Raymond. He was four years old and had been languishing there for a long time since no one wanted an old cat. We couldn't resist his plaintive murrr and brought him home that same day along with two other kittens.

Unfortunately, over the next couple of months both kittens died, one of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), one of another disease. Going back to shelter, we found Shelly and George. Sadly, George died, we believe of melamine in the food we fed him once a week as a special treat. We were devastated. We had lost 4 cats in 2 years and weren't sure we should try adopting another. A coworker told me about the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo cat rescue center where students rescue cats and kittens abandoned on their campus. They care for the sick, find homes for the kittens, spay or neuter the wild adult cats and release them back on campus where they have feeding stations. I brought home kitten Mark. Shelly and Raymond instantly accepted Mark and they became the "Tres Amigos". We thought our family was complete. But no, Widget turned up abandoned in a neighbor's back yard at 7 days old. I couldn't say no to adopting him. The rest of the gang loved the tiny kitten. My husband became "mommy cat", feeding him every two hours and then teaching him how to eat out of a bowl. As you can see in the photo, they are all great pals. They fill our home with love, and during night crazies, mayhem.

Santa Maria, CA