Ginger's Tail (or Tale)

Our son was at work when he heard horns blowing and tires squealing outside. When he went to investigate, he found a brindle colored puppy running in the street. He brought her home and, of course, wanted to keep her. I did some research and felt she was probably a Plott Hound (or mix). She was very loving and we quickly fell in love with her. We already had five rescued dogs, including one of our son's previous "finds" and with much discussion, sadly decided we couldn't keep another. So we had her spayed, got her shots and tried to find her a home on our own. After several weeks, I found a couple that wanted her and we agreed to let them have her. They came that night to get her and before I knew it, she was gone.

After a month, I found I still missed her and was going to call the couple to see how she was doing when I got a call from Animal Control. It seems they had picked up "my" dog running loose. The "loving" couple had gotten tired of her when she chewed one of their chairs so they just threw her outside. I later found that they both worked and the dog was left alone for 7-8 hours a day. It made us realize how important the screening process used by reputable shelters is for both potential owners and the pet.

Well, we had quite a reunion at Animal Control and I gladly paid the $15 fine. I'm happy to report that Ginger's been part of our "pack" for over a year now and we all love her very much. She's become particularly attached to me and, don't tell the other dogs, but she's also my favorite.

Rusty Nelson
Orlando, FL