God sent

This is my dog Sasha. She was found by my mother on a cold, snowy and icy Nov. night in 2008. My mom brought her home, and called for me to see her. When I got downstairs, she had precious Sasha in her arms. She was only a tiny baby, and was scared to death and freezing. My sister and I took her upstairs and gave her a nice warm bath, but when we did, we found lots of scabs and a terrible rash on her entire body. So the next day I took her to the vet and found out that she had staph infection all over her skin from being out in the cold all by herself for so long. Also, I found out that she was only about 6-7 weeks and the vet predicted that she had been out on her own for a while. Luckily, with some meds, the infection cleared right up and she was able to run around and play with my parents two labradors. When my (then) boyfriend came down to meet her for the first time, we were all amazed that he wasn't allergic to her! My husband is allergic to EVERYTHING, and so it was quite the miracle that a little puppy found on the side of the road, was one of the only dogs that he wasn't allergic to. Now, she's almost two years old, and is loving every minute of her life. Sasha loves to cuddle with us in bed, even though she's as big as we are. We are so glad and blessed to have her in our lives. We know now, that we will NEVER bring any other pet into our home that isn't adopted :)

Springfield, MO