hard working cats

My first day of work at my prior job was the day Minute Maid came into our lives. Coolant was pouring out of a customer's car and she came running from the rain sewer, meowing loudly, dirty and starving. The lady caught her, fed her, then begged me to give her a home. I couldn't refuse, as her orange coat matched my house decor :) She ran around my store all night, meowing so loudly she startled a number of customers. That was last October. In January, a week after her spaying and shots, she ran out in front of a car. We drove 35 minutes to an emergency clinic, me crying the whole way. After a tense few hours the vet released her and she bounced back admirably.
Last week, my husband found Lefty at his job. I heard her mewing over the phone and couldn't say no when he asked if I wanted her, especially when he told me the evil things the guys at work planned to do with her. She and Minute Maid (Lemonade) didn't get along at first, but now they're good. :) Lefty's still skin and bones, but after her bath, which she took like a trooper, soft and cuddly and sweet. They chase each other all over the house and wrestle. In this pic, they're watching June bugs. I can't bear the possibility of spending another evening in emergency, so now they're both house cats, albeit not willingly. My daughter loves her two little sisters, and we love having three little girls in the house to balance out the teenage males.

ramona saldana-Flores
Hutchins, TX