Harley McFarley

Eighteen months after my purebred doxi died, I decided it was time to get another. I kept watching the local shelter listings and ran out the minute I saw 2 dachshunds listed. My daughter went along and as we walked up to the shelter, we immediately saw a little fellow in the outside run that was a dachshunds/beagle mix. No mixes, I said. We were introduced to the two dachshunds; but neither were interested in making friends with us. Let's look at the dachshund mix, my daughter said. We fell in love immediately! He wanted to play with us, loved the attention and it was a match. Unfortunately, it was too late in the day to adopt, so I went back the next day. I stood by his kennel as we waited for the test for heart worms. He sat is the corner at looked at me with his huge brown eyes that said, "Please, get me out of here!" Several other people came by and tried to get his attention, but he only had eyes for me. I knew it was meant to be! Harley worked his way into my heart before the papers were even signed. Although he has the coloring of a beagle, he is doxi through and through. He gets along great with the other doxi's in our extended family and now has a 'little brother' Gus who joined us 4 months later.

Topeka, KS