He Rescued Me

The day after my last schnauser died (3 died within a year and a half), my friend picked me up and took me to the Humane Society to search for a new companion - I used to raise schnausers and had never had a rescue dog before. When I saw this darling little long-haired dachshund, I was captivated and the name Kafka leaped into my mind, but he had a wish-list on him. When he saw me, he got all excited and jumped all over the place and wagged. Then as I continued on down the aisle and kept looking, he whined and cried a lot. Then I went by him again (while he was still crying) to talk to the people handling the adoptions and took him out in the yard for a sniff around while I sat on the bench. He then came over and leaped up into my lap and licked me. After we sat and enjoyed one another for a while, we went back in and I asked about adopting him and the lady called to see if the wish list person had been called, and they had but weren't available, so she said, "He's yours. He has never paid attention to anyone else." Whoopie. He filled the great big empty hole in my heart and has been my loyal, loving companion and lap warmer and bed warmer ever since. If I am going out the door, he wants to go too. We were very active in the election campaigns and he was out at all the rallies wearing signs and got tons of attention, most recently on Earth Day to help save his wolf relatives. His picture streamed across the Obama acceptance speech and his picture is still on the LA Times website.

Linda Myers
Tucson, AZ