Healed a broken heart

After losing a beloved cat to kidney failure, I swore never again. I walked into Petsmart and in the back they have cats from the humane society there for adoption. There was this beautiful, big black kitty named Jonny. As I walked up to the glass he stretched out his claws, rubbed against the glass and turned over onto his back. I immediately teared up because that was a famous trait our big kitty Tibby used to do. I had to leave, but could not get him off my mind or out of my heart. I went back 5 or 6 times throughout the next 2 weeks, hoping he had gotten a home. But sure enough, there he was. I even prayed about it and asked that he get a home. Well, he got a home, with me. It is like God put him there to help heal my broken heart from losing our kitty.

Colleen Ingalls
Carlsbad, CA