Homer Bigfoot

He was supposed to be a foster dog.
He was found in New York City Central park tied to a tree and he must have been there for a while (at least overnight). Through friends of ours he came to live with us, temporarily until we found him a good home.
He was a handful. He suffered extreme separation anxiety, couldn't be crated, and cried all the time. If you left the room, he cried! I consider myself a dog person but I felt I didn't have enough expertise to help him. We decided to surrender him to the shelter. They didn't take him "as was"; we had to have him neutered. And even though everybody tells you it doesn't make a difference in a dog's character, it did for him. He was a different dog! Maybe at that point he decided he wanted to stay with us and he did! He is the sweetest dog ever and I think he thinks he's a person! I am glad things turned out that way and we are now beagle pack leaders! His friend Britney is his best buddy and things have worked out for him.

Brookfield, CT