
This cute hound mix is named Hooch, after the movie Turner and Hooch that we were discussing the day before he showed up. He was a drop off at my boyfriends house who was renting an old farm house in the country. He showed up one evening and followed Matt back to the house were he was fed and housed while we waited for someone to claim him. Matt's two Brittany Spaniels wanted nothing to do with him not to mention that he started chasing the farmers cows. When no one claimed him I took Hooch home with me. Apartment life was a lot different than living on a farm and it took him all of 30 seconds to adjust and claim the couch as his own. Sadly Matt lost his female Brittany due to a siezure two month later. Her brother Max really missed her for several months until Matt and I became engaged and bought a house (again in the country, but away from any cows) and now Max and Hooch are inseperable. They chase each other around the yard and wrestle all the time. Hooch is 42 lbs and thinks he's 10 lbs because no matter what you are doing or how hot and muggy it is he wants to be in your lap cuddleing. He's lives for your love and is just the best dog ever. They even get along with the kitten I rescued who was 8 weeks old with a broken leg who now is a thriving beautiful calico cat that chases the dogs around.

Heather Evers
Jefferson City, MO