How We Saved Each Other

I lost my wonderful 14 year old cat in late November. After a few weeks of grieving, some very special people got together without my knowing it and went to the local shelter. They knew they had to find a very special cat to help me in my grief. As they were searching, suddenly one of them reached out and started batting my friend on the top of the head, as if to say "I'm the one you're looking for, up here!" Later that night I was gifted with a beautiful 4 month old black cat. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to cope with a kitten and the fact that my grief was still so heavy. My house was not kitty-proofed of course, so needless to say, the first night was a little rough on both of us. The next evening, sitting in my chair, thinking about my Kitt that I had lost, and once again crying. My new little friend suddenly jumped into my lap, put his paws around my neck and just snuggled. It was his way of saying "It's ok, you can cry, but I'm here now to make it better". I just hugged him and talked to him and we had a magical moment. I named him Orion. With him being solid black, his beautiful eyes shine like stars in the sky. The constellation Orion has always held a special meaning for me, and as I looked at his shining eyes I saw the constellation of Orion in the sky. It just fit. We saved each other. He has helped me through my grief by giving me days and nights of laughter and love once again, and he will forever have a loving and safe home where he will be loved and adored.

Branson, MO