I couldn't turn my back and walk away!

While deployed overseas I found a small kitten that walked from under the ruins of a house. The kitten crawled over to my feet, looked up at me with his big eyes apparently hungry and in need. I picked the kitten up and placed him inside my jacket. I took him back to where I was living and he remained with me while I was there. I was lucky enough to take him home with me when I returned to the USA. I named him "Zav" which is short for the village where I found him. I was able to repeat this foreign rescue process over the course of several years. I eventually rescued four more felines struggling to survive from different parts of the world. Last year I found an injuried dog. She had an injuried leg caused from a severe cut. I was able to get her the proper medical treatment and TLC. I eventually brought her home to the US. I named her "Patches" and people always ask if she is Border Collie or an Australian Shepard Mix. I can only tell them that I found her on the streets of one of the worst places on this planet and it wasn't Australia. Needless to say we now have the International House of Animals here in the USA at our home. They are very loved and get the best of care. But they do give back as much as they receive.

I only wish that people around the world were as good to animals as some Americans.

Speaking for "Bo", "Zav", "Tarzan", "Nipper", "Blue", "Spooky" and "Patches" they all love their home in the USA! ( Pictured is "Patches" and "Zav")

God Bless America!

Franklin, TN