Indie the Storm-Drain Kitten

Driving home one evening, I spotted a tiny kitten in the street licking a used ketchup packet before it scurried back into the brush. I returned with my wife and daughter to pursue the kitten. We chased the kitten and lost site of it but could hear it crying after an hour or two. To our horror, we concluded that it had run down in to a storm drain. We pried open the grate and my daughter climbed down into the dark, bug infested hole. She could hear the kitten crying but could only see two eyes glowing about 80 yards into the pitch black tunnel. With the help of the real-life heroes of the Temple Terrace Fire Dept., we finally were able to extract the kitten. He was frail, visibly shaken and starving. Two weeks later and Indie (short for Indiana Jones) has been adopted and is living the good life in a happy home in Tampa. He is playful and super-affectionate. We still keep in contact with his new owners and it feels great to know that there are others willing to help animals in need and to provide them loving homes. Thanks TTFD, Lisa, and family!

Temple Terrace, FL