It isn't always black & White

It isn't always Black & White

My story is about Daisy.She came into our lives so unexpecedly.Daisy is the light of our lives. Everyone that enters her life has to have a smile on their face when they see her,so full of life & loving. When we are sad or lonely,she makes you feel like you are the only one in the whole world.Someone we know was a delivery driver and found a man dumping her off at a Nextel store on a busy road.The person, Alicia, told the friends of ours and I went to see her. It was summertime and she was in the backyard playing with the kids and giving kisses I couldn't resist her and I am glad that I didn't.When I brought her home,she growled at the Sunny,the dog we already had when we walked in the door.It all worked out!Poor Daisy had just about everything she could get. Mange,Worms and malnutrition being the treatable problems we encountered.She received complete care and the best home in the world.We had our problems,like chewing shoes and being very submissive (because of abuse),but with patience and love we overcame all of them.She no longer needs a crate and we can pickup shovels and brooms without her being scared.She loves to go in the truck because she always knows she is coming home.It is funny that her colors are black and white, but she is the most colorful thing in our lives.

KellyAnn Young
St. Cloud, FL

KellyAnn Young
St. Cloud, FL