Itty Bitty Kitty Karma

It was a typical day, my sister and I were sitting in our living room playing games and talking about my mom's birthday. We headed to the store to get my mom flowers for her birthday. My sister and I were trying to pass the time by kicking a small bottle. We were nearly to the store when out of the corner of my eye I saw something small and black move. We turned around and there was a kitten! The poor thing was panting and dying of heatstroke. She was so exhausted she didn't put up a fight at being picked up. We carried her all the way home and I treated her for heatstroke. I was so scared she wasn't going to make it, she was lethargic and barely moving.
We don't know how she got on the street. Whether someone dumped her there or if she wondered off. We went back to check for other kittens.
The next day she was active, playful, acting as any kitten should. We decided to keep her. Her name is Karma, what a coincidence it was that 5 minutes after my sister complains we don't save enough animals that we happen upon one that needs our help? She's a lovely addition to our family and gets along great with our other cats. She's healthy and a friendly little kitten with a warm place to call home

Las Vegas, NV