Jacks love for life

Jack surrendered himself to local police. He just could not take being out in the cold any longer. When Jack was brought into a shelter, he weighed in at only 6lbs. He was a walking skeleton. He was dirty, cold and very hungry. Once in a foster home, Jack was found to be hyper thyroid and in sever need of dental work. Jacks teeth and jaw bones were so decayed and infected it was a miracle he survived at all. He had to have almost all of his teeth and part of his jaw removed.. He has been treated with radioactive iodine for his hyper thyroid. It has also come to light that Jack has a bb in his back, close to his spine. Due to his age, surgery is not an option.Since coming to his foster home on Christmas Eve, Jack has gained all of his weight back and more. He is playful, loveable and spoiled. If he had not walked into that police station in December, he would not be the happy, thriving cat he is today. We are grateful for the police officer that heard Jacks cries for help and the shelter that had the room to take him in. We are also grateful for Jacks will to survive. He truley is the king of our jungle!

Leominster, MA