Jazzy's Story

One August morning of 2002, a little orange tabby kitten wandered up to our house. We had lost our Sheltie, Brandy, two years back and we hadn't had another pet since then. We gave the kitten some milk and we knew that he didn't belong to anybody so we kept him. We named him Nosey, but the vet told us it was a girl so we named the cat Jasmine. And THEN the vet told us they were wrong and the cat was a boy, like we had thought to begin with. We didn't want to confuse our cat too bad, and he was already used to the name Jasmine, so we shortened it to Jazzy. Today Jazzy is six years old, going on seven, and a very big cat with gorgeous yellow-green eyes. At night he roams around the neighborhood and in the daytime he loves laying around on the floor in my room, or curled up in the old brown chair. We also have a dog, Joey, who Jazzy is surprisingly protective of sometimes. Jazzy can be moody sometimes, but we love that fat cat.

Theodore, AL