Josh - A Lovable Blessing to All of Us!

Josh and a brother - both McNabs (a bred offshoot of Border Collies) were neglected in a pen. We were told his brother kept climbing the fence to get out, so the owners got rid of both dogs. His brother didn't make it. Josh was taken into a Sanctuary for about 5 weeks where another dog bit him on the head for playing ball. I found him on - while looking for a companion dog for our Border Collie - Abby.

He came to us frightened, skeptical, wary, and with a fresh bite wound on his head. He wanted affection, but was scared.

Now he does Agility, Jumpers classes, and is Flyball champion because of his wonderful and supportive team - the New Mexico High Desert Sundogs! His confidence is up, and he e enjoys absolutely everything! He is back to playing catch with total abandon - and always insists on getting to the ball first. His sister Abby, a Therapy dog who is also a shelter rescue - enjoy their days playing, exploring, and resting together. During the summer we all enjoy long walks exploring the foothills of New Mexico, and traveling to as many Flyball Tournaments as possible.

Josh is an absolutely delightful dog. He enjoys affection, bows his little head while being stroked and gives you his paw. He uses Abby's behind as a pillow when she'll let him. He loves to please, hike, play catch, tug-o-war, and squeeze those squeaky toys. He and Abby now enjoy a raw meaty-bone diet supplemented with vitamins, but we are the ones getting the biggest rewards.

He is an absolute blessing to us all!

C Chavez
Albuquerque, NM