Little Orphan "Annie"

It was a cold, snowy February day, when while walking my dog, Mac. I spied a tiny cat sitting on a log just along side the lane I live along. I called to the kitty and asked her to stay put while I run Mac back to the house "I'll be right back, you wait for me" I called out. I ran back up the road and there
she was, still sitting on that log as if she knew I would return - but, of course she did, I told her so! I named her Annie and she became a sister to my cats Nikky, Tommy, Joey, and Tai as well as to Mac, who helped to rescue her. Annie coos like a pigeon, has unbridled energy bursts, which by the way, keeps all my other cats active, if only to run to get out of her burst of energy pathway! Annie is ravenous for bread, which makes me wonder what her life was like before I found her cooing? bread? hmmm... In fact, she has been know to steal a piece of popped up toast out of the toaster! Annie has brought joy into our household and I am so grateful that she found us!

Dallas, PA