Love of a Skunk

Skunk was a ferral cat living in a sump next to my sister's house. After 6 months we realized it wasnt a skunk we were feeding but actually a ferral cat. It took about 2 years to get this lovely little boy close enough to grab & take home. Skunky has been in the house for over 3 years & is happy as can be sleeping is a warm comfortable bed and snuggling with his brothers Squeek & Moo. Skunk has had many vet visits and recently had all his teeth removed to eliminate the pain associated with stomatitis. He has NO desire to try to venture out of his safe home. I truly feel he wanted to be saved. While still a little hestitant of people, he is full of love, comes to bed with me every night for belly rubs & purrs louder then any of his brothers. He is a fur ball of love.

Lake Grove, NY