Lynx and The Bunny

Five years ago I went to the SPCA for a new cat. I sat in a chair in the center of one of two rooms and waited as 60 cats wandered in and out. I eventually was met by a beautiful Maine Coon who climbed into my lap and loved me up one side and down the other. And so the love affair began, I named him Lynx. What an amazing loving/compassionate cat... a greeter to all guests, a guardian of the yard.... and then last year he became my hero when he brought home a very young starving male to eat from his bowl. 'The Bunny' (as I named him) was traumatized beyond belief with a cataract in one eye due to a wound. It took close to a month for me to even get close to him... wildy clawing the air, no purrs, so scared. Could I or would I keep him? With Tellington Touch, Cranial Sacral, Reiki and with much Love and Patience he has turned into a beautiful loving cat .... bringing more joy and laughter into our home sweet home.

C. Hart
Nelson, Canada