
I found Max on my way to work one day, running across a busy street, almost getting hit twice. He was starvingly thin, stinky, practically bald and had open wounds all over his body from an extremely bad case of mange. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and knew he was meant to find me so I could take care of him and give him the forever home he so deserved.
It took some time, but he gained some weight, recovered from the mange and even grew back all his hair!
I've had Max for almost one year now and I couldn't have asked for a sweeter dog. He is a fabulous companion for my other rescue dog, Maddie and the best snuggler on the planet! I enjoy his company and fall in love with him more and more every day.
This picture was taken right before the St. Patrick's Day Parade in 2009. Max walked in it and was a huge hit, even making the local paper. He even kept the hat on the majority of the walk!

Davenport, IA