Mexican Baby

I searched high and low for a rescue dog on every site I could find and while there were some that I came across that drew me to them none had the pull that little Esperanza did! I was at a point in my life that I had to make that dreaded decision that most dog owners have to face when my old dog of 14 years could no longer eat so we had to take her to the vet and set her free. After that day, little Esperanza's image just kept surfacing and I found myself on the site everyday just staring at her picture. I had heard about dog's from Mexico and how they are treated and then I came across a website that had a trailer on it from a documentary called "Companions to none". I was horrified at what I saw but that made my decision, I was going to adopt Esperanza!!

I filled out the application and was soon approved and I was on my way to Calgary on June 6th! We arrived about 2:30pm. We were to pick her up by 9:35pm Saturday night. When the dogs were unloaded and the crates were brought into the airport I was searching the crates trying to find her. I saw big crates and small crates and medium sized crates but none held my little angel then my husband spotted a duffle bag dog carrier that was quite small and then he saw it move! "I think that's her" he said. A lady opened the bag and I knew instantly it was her. She was so beautiful! She was everything and more than I expected I was beside myself with excitement!

So, I just wanted to thank everyone at Pawsitive Match for bringing her into my life.

Tracy Edwards
Armstrong, Canada