Molly Flagtail: Rescued Guide Dog with an Online Following

A fluffy puppy, all kisses and wags, darted over to meet me. Crusty flecks of white paint dotted her fur because she discovered paint.

We bonded in seconds, and, after testing her temperament, I knew she would make a wonderful guide dog. But at that shelter, you have to fill out an application and give references. I wanted her to become a great guide dog and go everywhere with me. The shelter volunteers thought that would be a great life, but the decision-maker did not agree.

Unbelievably, the Adoptions Coordinator at the shelter thought she would live a restricted life, and I almost didn't get to adopt her. But after days of agony for me and intervention from an animal communicator, the shelter let me take Molly Flagtail home.

Molly immediately found out what it was to be adored instead of abused, and she started going everywhere with me as I trained her to be my eyes.

She came to work with me as a guide dog in training. We've shared lots of adventures together. We've traveled on buses, trains, and airplanes. She loves to get a piece of bacon at a restaurant and stretch out on the bed at a hotel.

This "restricted" adventure dog is surrounded by people who love her. We cuddle, walk, and play often during the day, because I work from home. When I go to a conference, she travels with me everywhere. We've met awesome people like John Di Lemme, Mark Victor Hansen, and maybe even YOU!

At home, she's just a dog who loves to play with the cats, chase leaves, and cuddle. Molly has a growing fan base on Twitter ( and even her own website Stop by and see what we're doing today!

Ronda Del Boccio
Branson, MO