My Best Friend

Skeeter, my adorable brat you see here, was once a stray. How someone could ever let him out of their sight I will never comprehend. But lucky for me, someone did. I had been searching for weeks to find a new pal - who had to be less than 20 pounds because of the apartment I lived in. I looked and looked. The closest thing I found was a weenie dog, and I thought it wouldn't be fair to adopt her because she had stubby little legs and I lived upstairs. After more looking, I was convinced I wasn't going to find anything, so I went back for that little stubby-legged dog. When I went back to get her, she attacked the other dog in her pen. I had a cat so I knew that just wasn't going to work out. Heartbroken, I turned to leave. A shelter volunteer was taking another dog out, so all the dogs were barking as I walked out. All but one. He caught my eye, sitting there, his head cocked to the side, just looking at me. I said "don't give me that look, I know a cutie like you is already adopted." I went to show him his adoption paperwork, only to realize that he was available! I took him to the play yard, and when I picked him up, he nuzzled into my neck and went to sleep. Needless to say, I found my best friend that day. Now he's been with me for almost 4 years, and is now so spoiled that he's convinced he is my child, my own flesh and blood. And I'm OK with that.

Bakersfield, CA