My gaggle of kitties!

I was living in a part of town where there were a lot of homeless cats. The people who lived behind me had a lot of cats and a dog. They were abusive to each other and to their animals. None of their animals were fixed. One of their cats had a lot of litters and I saw that they, including their child, was hurting the kittens, so I took one home with me. One kitten led to the next two, and then another, all taken over a year. I wish I had a farm, I would have taken all of them - including the dog!! In Canada, our laws concerning animals are archaic at best. The SPCA here does not have sufficient resources to deal with the amount of homeless and abused animals we have here. I do what I can. There were more cats I helped find other homes for because I couldn't handle any more than four myself. I kept in mind that I needed to play with them and love them all by myself! I keep trying to help animals in need. If they come around I leave dry food and fresh water for them. My cats get me through times I am depressed and times I am happy. They never let me down and deserve to have a good life. I consider it a privilege to have these little guys in my life. If I ever lost them, I would be heartbroken.

Christina Gordon
Ottawa, Canada