My Girls

All of my girls are rescues. The youngest is a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Skylar Maire that came to me so sick that she ended up on the hospital 10 days later with distemper, bacterial pneumonia and sepsis, the vet did not think she would make it, she was so malnourished, just a bag of bones. Well, here we are a year later and you can't stop her from eating and she is healthy as can be. Her sisters take good care fo her and they all sleep with me every night. My oldest is a Golden Ret/Chow Mix named Laci Lu and my middle girl is an Aussie Mix, I call her my scrappy doo, and her name is Miss Bijoux. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. I continue to foster other babies and someday I will probably end up with a couple more. Thank you to all the people out there who devote there lives to these rescues that give you such unconditional love.

Sandisfield, MA