My little Bella

Bella came into my life when we both needed each other. I had just lost a loving cousin and was going through the mourning process and she had been abandoned. I can't imagine doing that to another living being but I give thanks that she came into my world through their decision or rather lack of.... Anyway, my roommate's brother was working at a car dealership when this guy came in with her stating that he had been walking down the road and heard a dog whelping and barking. He went to the back yard and there was my Bella chained to a post with a bowl that had no water and no food to be seen. He stated that the house had been vacated because there was a sign on the door. So, who knows how long she had been there, even for a few moments is too much!!! Well, Ricky being the dog lover takes her and brings her over to the house that night. From that moment on it was love at first sight.
The second year I had Bella she became pregnant with Ricky's Min/Pin Miko and had 5 babies. I kept one little girl and named her Mia. They both were with me when we made the long trek from Texas to Tennessee and that is where my Bella is now at rest. I have since made the trek back home to Texas but my heart is still back in Tennessee along with Bella. It was ironic because Ricky was there to help me bury her 10 years later. It's funny how life sometimes goes full circle. I am so grateful that I had those years to spend with her. She lives on through Mia and in Mia's son Miko, named after his grandpa!

Amarillo, TX