My Lucky boy

It was Sunday, Father's day of 2006 and I most certainly did not want to go out that day. I was practically forced and headed into the city but was disappointed that the train station where I lived was closed and I would be forced to walk over 8 blocks to the next train station. It appeared there was another round of train track-work being done. So I reluctantly headed out. I barely made it across the corner of where I live and I see a skinny, dirty white and tan cat following people around. This was no alley cat. He was eager for attention and seemed very hungry. I approached him and he quickly rose up on his hind legs so that I could pet his head, which I did. He had no collar and it looked like he had been in the streets for some time.

I could not believe no one had fed or given the poor thing any water. I grabbed the scraggily thing by his scruff and brought him home where I knew he would NOT be welcomed. As soon as I could, I brought the cat in to the local ASPCA to surrender him. However they had no room for him.

I brought the cat I named Lucky, back home, and tried my best to have someone take him. But I was quickly becoming attached to him despite the fact that he was very, very naughty. He broke so many things I didn't know what to do. But he was sweet, very sweet, smart and frisky. I soon came to realize his rambunctious was a sign of high anxiety. With lots of patience, love and of course training, he soon became my ideal animal companion, best friend, and inspiration.

New York, NY