My Miss Pudge

While leaving the grocery store parking lot one day...there was a man standing by his truck with a sign that read "1/2 english bulldog - 1/2 shih tzu free... Or I have to take them to the pound." As I drove by I saw one little pup laying in the back of the cage with the saddest look on her face I had ever seen. She was the only one left and was she runt of the litter of 12. I asked to hold her...when i took her in my arms she put her paws around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder...i was way was i going to let this little white pudgey (- hence her name...Pudge -) ball of fur get away from me...brought her home and my miniature schnauzer, Dutchess took her under her wing and they are now best friends. Not only do I wake up getting wet kisses from Dutchess and Pudge, (they are both very vocal) they also talk and sing to me. I am so glad I made the choice to stop and check out the pups that day...